Pride Month 2023 at Political Junkie
There will be new content--but take the time to check out queer posts you might have missed!

Apologies readers!
I clicked too quickly today and, by mistake, sent out the new podcast only to paying subscribers: it’s a great interview with Bettina Aptheker about the history of queer people in the Communist Party, and it is now open to everyone here.
But you also might want to check out the following queer political content:
“When Politicians Target Education, They Hurt Kids: The human cost of “Don’t Say Gay” (May 19, 2023).
“Heterosexuality Is Now the Official Sexuality of Florida: It's not just `Don't Say Gay" anymore in the Sunshine State: HB 1069 legislates gay and trans out of existence” (May 3, 2023).
“Just Because George Santos Wasn't In the Closet Doesn't Mean He Wasn't Hiding Stuff: Gay politicians are now so normal they can grift and lie like anyone else” (December 21, 2023).
“The Most Powerful Man in America: Yale historian Beverly Gage joins us to talk about her new book, "G-Man: J. Edgar Hoover and the Making of the American Century" (December 6, 2022).
“Brittney Griner Should Never Have Been in Russia: The basketball star has been detained on drug charges by the Putin regime since February 17, 2022--but why was she there to begin with?” (August 5, 2022)