While I cannot understand why we even have to talk about this given the alternative is a fascist dictatorship, I hope you reach a lot of people who, unbelievably so, are still on the fence.

My only caution to you is to leave off the point about the embellishment of academic credentials. You cannot qualify that one. Either it's wrong or it's not. So it's not more forgivable when our guy does it vs the other guy. There is enough in decades of words and deeds to compare that makes the intelligence question a non-starter. And again, the contrast there is so stark as to make one wonder why that is not a settled point by now.

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Forgot to add … given the alternative, we should be able to nominate Tweety Bird and still win. Why do people have so little understanding about the fact that this is no longer a contest between candidates?

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It's just bizarre, isn't it? Mostly, it's a problem of the new information economy, but yes, I agree.

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Well, yes. There has never been a more important moment for all Americans to stand behind the smart, diplomatic, qualified, and competent leadership we've got. Go to any class reunion and you'll see that some of your contemporaries look and/or act a lot older/ younger than oneself. 80 is a number, not a disqualification.

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I couldn't agree more! Originally I thought Biden was too old (I'm 80 and know how much my energy has decreased), but I've completely changed my mind.

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I think there is nothing truer about age than that everyone is different--and that knowing one's limitations allows a person to compensate.

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