In the real world of politics, a 60-40 election outcome is a landslide.

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It looks like a 20% margin to me--but it is actually quite a remarkable tilt against an incumbent.

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“AIPAC’s DEEP-throated support for the current Israeli government…”!

[Edit: mine.]

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I hope a later perspective might be on the impact of AIPAC's aggressive stands against candidates of color who are sympathetic to a cease fire, and not as politically maladroit. Will AIPAC only go after progressives of color? Will AIPAC's funding increase rifts between Jewish Americans, and African Americans. Also, what will be the impact on yonger Jews who overwhelming support a cease fire.

One addition to Dreier's toughtful piece. The NY State Democratic Party is also partially to blame for Bowman's defeat. They got too greedy in redistricting, giving the Republican Court a chance to give an Illinois (I believe) Republican judge the power to redistrict. The Dems lost a number of seats in Congress, and that's how Bowman's district got whitified and richified.

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Would not call 60/40 a "landslide". That's just a 10% swing.

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