Marriage Equality Was Never Enough" - this title caught my attention immediately, and I couldn't agree more. The journey towards equality is ongoing, and it's heartening to see discussions like these. Love is universal, and every couple deserves to have their commitment celebrated. The concept of marriage has evolved, and it's time for society to catch up. Let's continue to advocate for inclusivity, making sure that love knows no boundaries, especially in the context of gay weddings. Here's to a future where every love story is recognized and honored!

for more info - https://www.gayfriendlyweddingdjs.com.au/

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I loved this so much-esp your analysis of who and what got left behind in marriage equality legislation. I know you already know this but you are such a good historian! It’s really a gift to have you writing for larger audiences (tho I do remember liking your tenured radical blog-which I lost track of when google got rid of Google reader. The internet giveth and the internet taketh away. )

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Another great column, Claire -- thanks!

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