Great piece. Yes, the Dems are in a fix. But here's a novel idea: elected officials who are dirty should be asked to resign by their party, political expediency be damned. If the Democratic Party can simply pledge to this quite simple reaction to bad behavior, not only will life become so much simpler, but also everyone will be forewarned. Oh, and the American People might start believing Democrats are actually different from Republicans, too, which could come in really handy in the next election cycle.

Additionally, as a Hispanist and a huge fan of the brilliant and long-suffering Cuban people, I feel like throwing up when someone like Menéndez tries to offer up some sort of post-revolutionary PTSD defense for his crimes. I mean, he was born in New York City, for heaven's sake! The three Senators of Cuban parentage, Menéndez, Ted Cruz, and Marco Rubio, are among those who have done the most damage to American democracy all the while doing everything they can to keep actual Cubans on the island from getting any kind of break from the economic disaster they've been struggling through since the 90s.

Start fitting Menéndez for an orange jumpsuit, please. And, yes, what did the Egyptians get for their money, one wonders? The AP has a good idea: https://apnews.com/article/bob-menendez-wife-egypt-gold-bars-4d4a3f37a39143e86340572038acc0df

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True--and I suspect one of the reasons Menendez has lasted so long despite his despicable behavior is that he pins a group of more or less conservative New Jersey voters to the Democratic party in a state that is becoming more purple.

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Great piece Claire. I forgot about the Mitch M. problem and seating RM's replacement. Ugh.

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