The US already has the worst reproductive health stats in the industrialized world. This judicial coup will make it worse. We have more mothers and babies die before the coup, how many more will result in the near future? The people united, I am told, cannot be defeated. Unite in solidarity with the righteously angry women of the US.

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Absolutely correct. Thank you.

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I taught my students (undergrads) about the Jane Collective a couple of weeks ago. They were absolutely stunned. We are going to have a lot to discuss in class tomorrow. Thank you for this very useful take on the moment.

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My pleasure. Tellyour students to go down to the federal building at 5:00 wearing green--there will be rallies across the nation.

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Respectfully we also must understand millions do not support abortion and what’s not being said is contraception. Why are women wanted to use abortion as birth control. The Pill had been around for a long time. Abortion would not be need if you partner ware protection or you took the pill. This is I want to have my cake and eat it to don’t to act create a life just to kill it. I support the court’s decision assuming the leak is correct

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Birth control doesn't work like that: women get abortions when birth control fails. Everything but an IUD has a significant fail rate, even the Pill--and when people are the victims of rape or incest, birth control tends not to be at hand. Furthermore, some abortions are medical care: ectopic pregnancies cannot survive, and can kill the mother if not addresses; fetuses become non-viable and have to be removed, and these things are all illegal under the new laws. I want you to educate yourself about abortion a little: it is fine for you to be morally opposed to it; it isn't ok for you to make that decision for others.

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