Gun control is an easy issue to verbalize. You begin to focus on real issues when you mention the Replacement Theory and fascism. Deeper is the racism that is now being legitimatized publicly. We have Qualified Immunity for cops that shoot people of color with impunity. We have the US supporting fascism in Ukraine with its neo-Nazi heavy presence and control and their murdering and terrorizing the Russian speakers in Donbass to the tune of 14,000 recorded such acts since the US sponsored coup of 2014. The list of institutionalized attitudes and beliefs backed by corporate money--not just the gun manufacturers--is what is not only giving permission for such out-of-control violence but is actually demonstrating it as a corps value of the US. Democracy is only a word, a piece of the wonderful mythology we were all taught--bought right and left political people. It just does not exist. Censorship is increasing with US govt money in the millions going to the mainstream media to promote the mythological narratives. You even wrote about the self-censorship in your profession recently. I find that guns are not a good issue as they do not get us where we want to go. Years of such talk demonstrates this wrong focus. We need to focus and organize around issues that affect every working and poor person. That is how we build coalitions that are based on a real value of human life. And we need to focus on the anger that people feel over their lack of empowerment which is real. We need to write and talk and organize around who the real enemies are and how they are falsely dividing us and causing the frictions that erupt violently.
Nicely done. Coherent rage...something of a feat.
Gun control is an easy issue to verbalize. You begin to focus on real issues when you mention the Replacement Theory and fascism. Deeper is the racism that is now being legitimatized publicly. We have Qualified Immunity for cops that shoot people of color with impunity. We have the US supporting fascism in Ukraine with its neo-Nazi heavy presence and control and their murdering and terrorizing the Russian speakers in Donbass to the tune of 14,000 recorded such acts since the US sponsored coup of 2014. The list of institutionalized attitudes and beliefs backed by corporate money--not just the gun manufacturers--is what is not only giving permission for such out-of-control violence but is actually demonstrating it as a corps value of the US. Democracy is only a word, a piece of the wonderful mythology we were all taught--bought right and left political people. It just does not exist. Censorship is increasing with US govt money in the millions going to the mainstream media to promote the mythological narratives. You even wrote about the self-censorship in your profession recently. I find that guns are not a good issue as they do not get us where we want to go. Years of such talk demonstrates this wrong focus. We need to focus and organize around issues that affect every working and poor person. That is how we build coalitions that are based on a real value of human life. And we need to focus on the anger that people feel over their lack of empowerment which is real. We need to write and talk and organize around who the real enemies are and how they are falsely dividing us and causing the frictions that erupt violently.