You mention Marianne Williamson's campaign but don't include Robert F Kennedy jr? How hypocritical! When Sanders ran the media ignored him and refused to even mention him. When Williamson ran before she was also ignored. Now RFK is being treated like an invisible crazy.

He is the best candidate we have. Clear, transparent, incredible knowledgeable about how this country works from the inside and willing to call out corporate control and its disastrous impact. But calling for drug safety has put a false target on his back getting him labelled with an ad hominem as anti-vaxxer--a total lie. He has never come out against vaccines but calls for safety studies which the FDA illegally refuses to demand of the manufacturers, something they are required to do every 2 years for each one that they make. What is the horror for him doing this? What is wrong with you and other liberals for ignoring the enormous importance of safety studies given the extent of the damage to children's health over the years. How disappointing.

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TBH, I totally forgot about RFK Jr., but probably for the reasons you mentioned: he *is* an anti-vaxxer, and he embarasses me.

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Sorry but you are totally wrong about his position on vaccines. He has never come out against vaccines. What he does is call for safety studies which are NEVER done despite the law requiring that manufacturers do this every 2 yrs on every vaccine. The FDA turns a blind eye and we do have harm from these drug cocktails--and that is what they are. Further, Williamson holds very similar positions on these drugs as RFK. I think you need to realize that you are responding to the very well funded govt propaganda program of the government and you are very wrong. I would be quite comfortable supporting him which I do.

Have you listened to his campaign announcement speech. It is really quite good and more transparent than most politicians will ever be.

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I’m sorry but you are wrong. My son has a PhD in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology from Yale and your claims are patently false. Please stop spreading misinformation.

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Forgot to add ... his undergraduate degree in Biology is from MIT. Do not make any more scientific claims without citing peer-reviewed research from academic sources and journals. Full stop.

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What a non-sequitor! Your post has nothing to do with what I wrote. And just to be clear, Yale gets much money from the pharma industry and teaches to their interests just like all the medical schools. So please stop criticizing me for what was not even touched upon.

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I prefer peer-reviewed academic sources over folks who stand on street corners pulling it out of their asses.

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