Great overview of this history, but I especially appreciate your argument about the way that small-donor fund-raising has contributed to the nationalization of politics and a turning away from engagement in meaningful local races and struggles. Such an important point. But we're left with a puzzle: that Republicans, despite their engagement with the small-donor economy, have nonetheless maintained a laser focus on getting people elected local offices, giving them a big advantage over Democrats who've tended, until recently, to disregard such petty struggles.

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Agreed--and I think the link also goes through small donor fundraising. The most frequent response I get to my posts asking people to work for a Democratic victory is "I gave money." And that is not unimportant--but Republicans are much better at getting people involved, putting neighbors on the street to talk to neighbors, and community level organizing. Part of it may be that htey are more religious, and that kind of community connection is valued and part of people's daily lives--I don't know. But Democrats, in my expeirence, are less good at interrupting their busy lives and working on a local campaign or issue. That's what we need to work on--I will bet that half of my neighbors don't even know who their state rep is!

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This is just an excellent explainer and analysis. I have come to loathe these emails and texts, even as I support the platforms of all of the candidates they're on behalf of. I am RIGOROUS about unsusbscribing from each and every one, but I'm baffled that they don't see how much harm they're doing to allegiance.

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You are a thousand percent correct. This kind of predatory fundraising does more to drive good people away from politics than any other factor, in my view. And, as a professional translator who is asked in EVERY ELECTION CYCLE to translate documents to appeal to Hispanic voters for free, I can tell you none of that cash is "trickling down" to yours truly.

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I first had the idea to write this when I was at our mothers house and saw the *hundreds* of political mailers she received every month. And while she is actually quite cautious about giving away her money, a lot of people her age are not. I also thought about it when watching "Unprecedented," the Trump campaign documentary on Discovery+--so many of the people who came to his rallies have spent hundreds, even thousands of dollars, on Trump gear, and donated so much money: no wonder they were so distraught.

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Makes perfect sense. I remember you telling me that she gets mailers from BOTH parties, even though she's a registered Democrat. GAWD! Thank you for recycling.

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