But don't you really think Vivek is a kind of narc? (Or nark as properly spelt, since it didn't originally mean narcotics cop.) In a way that Obama often seemed to be, though he was working the other side of the street.
Frankly, I don't think he's going to have much success with DeSantis or Trump people, but he will definitely succeed in moving the needle for the other dwarfs. This means the way is open for a serious third-party candidate, probably RFK Jr, to draw votes away from both major parties. That guy can't talk, but boy, all he needs is 34% in enough states. Keep your eyes peeled!
I thought what Christie had to say about Trump’s behavior was courageous and at some point later in history he will be remembered for it. Now the GOP who have drunk the the crazy juice are too over the edge to hear him.
Well that's something to look forward to, the U.S. Army gunning down families on the border. Not. Even those I know who consider themselves more allied with the GOP remarked that they were shocked by the "lack of consideration for humanity" evidenced in the so-called debate last night. The only person who said anything that seemed sincere was Mike Pence when he stated that when he was pushed to choose loyalty to a person over the Constitution, he chose the Constitution. It was a refreshing moment of real-talk. I don't want Mike Pence to be President, but next to Ramaswamy he looks like the baby Jesus himself!
Two thoughts: First, it's amazing that Christie and Haley still want to dance with the GOP. Second, if Ramaswamy is pulling the GOP further right ... where would they end up? If things are on a continuum, will the GOP pull so far right that they end up very, very left?? LOL!
It's because the door is wide-open for third-party-coalition candidate. I don't think Nikki is plausible, but Chris may be in the running. He knows how to sing the right tune.
TY for the summary as I would not have the stomach to watch. A few reactions to the post:
First, is given the racism and sexism of the GOP it was interesting to see 2 East Asians, one a woman and an African American. I can understand East Asians sporting a false identity with White supremacists, but never seeing A-A people doing that. Frightening to think of their mental health!
Second, it is not surprising that these people spoke against or ignored foreign political support. Trump's America First was a successful message to a base that supported his xenophobia and racism s the countries involved are all people of color who speak that 'funny; language; ie, Muslims.
Only the extreme religious right seems concerned about Israel and not for their benefit. The people are hostile to supporting isreal, and other countries Having no understanding of humanist values that might apply to all people much less the interconnectedness of the world, this GOP base wants them shut our and couldn't care less if they survived. It is the same with Uraine and wars. The Right has actually become more anti-war than the Left which only gives lip service and cant wait to give more weapons and money to the fascist in residence in Ukraine.
On Ukraine I disagree with you as there are certified neo-Nazis there and they do control Zelinsky. Their history is of rabid hatred for the Russian speaking population and they created the US backed/funded coup of 2014. I am tired of American liberals buying into the current propaganda that is being used to justify the US proxy war--which is just another US war that is being lost! In case you memory is short, the MSM was reporting on the Nazi ideology presence in Ukraine in 2014 and the horrors of them trapping and burning alive dozens of ethnic Russians in a Trade building. The details from inspection of the remains afterwards were of brute torture of people. Tme for Americans to get over their falsely based beliefs that can only see Russia as the enemy and all others are our friends. Ukraine is not our friend, just a useful State idiot allowing the US to destroy the country and support several bioweapons labs that would not be allowed here in the States.
Climate change is an interesting issue as the Dems are a nightmare on it. I have no support for their projects as they are all about corporate privatiztion and profit. Biden is a fascist with a softer smile in my book. He has been supporting drilling on public land and waters. He is supporting monopoly power with projects to force electrification on us. He has no intention of doing away with fossil fuels. Electrification actually uses more fossil fuels than it saves unless nuclear energy, another horrifically dangerous fuel is used but you nor other liberals talk about these problems In fact what began as a righteous politic of the grassroots left went nowheres until the big corporations figures out how to profit from it. Think about the name calling and hostile characterization of all those long haired hippies who promoted energy conservation with solar back in the 1970's. Back than it was about how people could do things themselves to save money and fuel. Once the profiteering was seen suddenly we have all this solar promotion but it is only being done to tie people to the monopoly utility companies. Poor people are paying for it with much higher utility bills while the middle class is getting tax write offs. In NYS the utility companies, which has ceased producing anything, want a 30% increase in delivery costs. That will make delivery costs more than twice what I use for electricity! It is always this model so do watch you get sucked in supporting. Maui is seen as a contrived destruction by many--caused by the large corporate plantations that destroyed the natural land barriers that kept fires under control for centuries. It is also thought they were begun via the electric grid with some suggesting it was intentional as developers have been chomping at the bit to gain control over Lahaina for years with the people holding strong. Can't gain legitimate control over them and the land? Simply destroy them! WE have seen this many times in American history. Don't know about you but I trust Seymour Hersch on Biden's destruction of the NORD pipelines when he/US couldn't get the Eu countries to cease buying from Russia. I can also note their is much science that is contesting much of the climate change mantra. CO2 is not the problem as the ground/soil needs to reabsorb it for healthy food production. It is called sequestering the gas. Destroying it in the air is an attack on our food supply which is what corporations and military want to do. Controlling the world via the food supply is not a new effort and we have Bill Gates selling his ideas about destroying all food growing and subordinating the public to buy his fake, factory made food that can be patented. He has sold this idea in Israel which has a number of such factories that were selling in Europe. The people there are rejecting it--oh that Americans had half the sense of the Europeans.
The debate clearly was simply a s'..t show for the base that loves hostility as a sign of empowerment. It was Trump's big sell and these people have bought into that program as well.
But don't you really think Vivek is a kind of narc? (Or nark as properly spelt, since it didn't originally mean narcotics cop.) In a way that Obama often seemed to be, though he was working the other side of the street.
Frankly, I don't think he's going to have much success with DeSantis or Trump people, but he will definitely succeed in moving the needle for the other dwarfs. This means the way is open for a serious third-party candidate, probably RFK Jr, to draw votes away from both major parties. That guy can't talk, but boy, all he needs is 34% in enough states. Keep your eyes peeled!
I thought what Christie had to say about Trump’s behavior was courageous and at some point later in history he will be remembered for it. Now the GOP who have drunk the the crazy juice are too over the edge to hear him.
Well that's something to look forward to, the U.S. Army gunning down families on the border. Not. Even those I know who consider themselves more allied with the GOP remarked that they were shocked by the "lack of consideration for humanity" evidenced in the so-called debate last night. The only person who said anything that seemed sincere was Mike Pence when he stated that when he was pushed to choose loyalty to a person over the Constitution, he chose the Constitution. It was a refreshing moment of real-talk. I don't want Mike Pence to be President, but next to Ramaswamy he looks like the baby Jesus himself!
Two thoughts: First, it's amazing that Christie and Haley still want to dance with the GOP. Second, if Ramaswamy is pulling the GOP further right ... where would they end up? If things are on a continuum, will the GOP pull so far right that they end up very, very left?? LOL!
It's because the door is wide-open for third-party-coalition candidate. I don't think Nikki is plausible, but Chris may be in the running. He knows how to sing the right tune.
TY for the summary as I would not have the stomach to watch. A few reactions to the post:
First, is given the racism and sexism of the GOP it was interesting to see 2 East Asians, one a woman and an African American. I can understand East Asians sporting a false identity with White supremacists, but never seeing A-A people doing that. Frightening to think of their mental health!
Second, it is not surprising that these people spoke against or ignored foreign political support. Trump's America First was a successful message to a base that supported his xenophobia and racism s the countries involved are all people of color who speak that 'funny; language; ie, Muslims.
Only the extreme religious right seems concerned about Israel and not for their benefit. The people are hostile to supporting isreal, and other countries Having no understanding of humanist values that might apply to all people much less the interconnectedness of the world, this GOP base wants them shut our and couldn't care less if they survived. It is the same with Uraine and wars. The Right has actually become more anti-war than the Left which only gives lip service and cant wait to give more weapons and money to the fascist in residence in Ukraine.
On Ukraine I disagree with you as there are certified neo-Nazis there and they do control Zelinsky. Their history is of rabid hatred for the Russian speaking population and they created the US backed/funded coup of 2014. I am tired of American liberals buying into the current propaganda that is being used to justify the US proxy war--which is just another US war that is being lost! In case you memory is short, the MSM was reporting on the Nazi ideology presence in Ukraine in 2014 and the horrors of them trapping and burning alive dozens of ethnic Russians in a Trade building. The details from inspection of the remains afterwards were of brute torture of people. Tme for Americans to get over their falsely based beliefs that can only see Russia as the enemy and all others are our friends. Ukraine is not our friend, just a useful State idiot allowing the US to destroy the country and support several bioweapons labs that would not be allowed here in the States.
Climate change is an interesting issue as the Dems are a nightmare on it. I have no support for their projects as they are all about corporate privatiztion and profit. Biden is a fascist with a softer smile in my book. He has been supporting drilling on public land and waters. He is supporting monopoly power with projects to force electrification on us. He has no intention of doing away with fossil fuels. Electrification actually uses more fossil fuels than it saves unless nuclear energy, another horrifically dangerous fuel is used but you nor other liberals talk about these problems In fact what began as a righteous politic of the grassroots left went nowheres until the big corporations figures out how to profit from it. Think about the name calling and hostile characterization of all those long haired hippies who promoted energy conservation with solar back in the 1970's. Back than it was about how people could do things themselves to save money and fuel. Once the profiteering was seen suddenly we have all this solar promotion but it is only being done to tie people to the monopoly utility companies. Poor people are paying for it with much higher utility bills while the middle class is getting tax write offs. In NYS the utility companies, which has ceased producing anything, want a 30% increase in delivery costs. That will make delivery costs more than twice what I use for electricity! It is always this model so do watch you get sucked in supporting. Maui is seen as a contrived destruction by many--caused by the large corporate plantations that destroyed the natural land barriers that kept fires under control for centuries. It is also thought they were begun via the electric grid with some suggesting it was intentional as developers have been chomping at the bit to gain control over Lahaina for years with the people holding strong. Can't gain legitimate control over them and the land? Simply destroy them! WE have seen this many times in American history. Don't know about you but I trust Seymour Hersch on Biden's destruction of the NORD pipelines when he/US couldn't get the Eu countries to cease buying from Russia. I can also note their is much science that is contesting much of the climate change mantra. CO2 is not the problem as the ground/soil needs to reabsorb it for healthy food production. It is called sequestering the gas. Destroying it in the air is an attack on our food supply which is what corporations and military want to do. Controlling the world via the food supply is not a new effort and we have Bill Gates selling his ideas about destroying all food growing and subordinating the public to buy his fake, factory made food that can be patented. He has sold this idea in Israel which has a number of such factories that were selling in Europe. The people there are rejecting it--oh that Americans had half the sense of the Europeans.
The debate clearly was simply a s'..t show for the base that loves hostility as a sign of empowerment. It was Trump's big sell and these people have bought into that program as well.