This is hysterical. TY Claire

“Let me just quibble with Conway’s premise. To an unusual degree, no one—Republican, Democrat, or independent—could care less who Trump runs with. He could choose Sponge Bob SquarePants, and it would make no material difference to anyone.”

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I am fascinated by Conway's fine distinction between "identity politics a la the democrats" and "an equal helping to lead." Which, sorry Claire!, I misread at first to mean she was advocating an equal helping of--something--color, I guess. Which would need a larger helping than Marco Rubio.

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It's a bizarre little piece of jiu-jitsu, isn't it?

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I will put money on. -- in fact I have already put money on -- someone I haven't heard mentioned yet. He's white, Male, chauvinistically his and straight, a media celebrity, and presently out of work. He has relentlessly brown-nosed DJT since the get go. All enough to send Orange 45 swooning

I.e., Tucker Carlson.

God help us all.

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It would motivate the Brads and Chads, wouldn't it?

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