Much as I abhor Stone and would love to see that evil Penguin behind bars, and much as Bannon's demise would be a boon to democracies struggling against fascist political movements all around the world, I have a special yen for #6 to be Mark Meadows, that pudgy yes-man chief of staff who lay on the couch texting on his cellphone while the Capitol was under attack and Cassidy Hutchinson stood in the door and said: "The rioters are getting really close, have you talked to the President?" "No, the President wants to be alone right now," he said still looking at his phone. (and probably texting with the Conspirator #1).

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Good pick--but the person has been identified as a political consultant, and the New York Times is saying Boris Epshteyne (I edited the piece to reflect that today.) BUT....the question is, where is Mark Meadows?

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Of course, you are right. I suppose Meadows comes to mind because he is made conspicuous by his absence!

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Those tweets are part of a long history of those people looking away from Trump when the spectacle distresses them just a bit too much. But they find a way to turn back to fawning and adoring once the news cycle moves on for a while. I think each time they're looking around and hoping three or four other guys will pipe up first in a way that can't be walked back. But even that hasn't really worked--they almost got there right after Jan. 6 and then chickened out except for the seven Senators who voted to convict. Plus Trump doesn't make anything impossible to walk back--as long as you come crawling to him and kiss his boot and fawn over him, you can always come back.

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Agreed--but there is something about the way these folks are not defending him that suggests a different kind of memo going around: i.e., "this is a distraction. focus on constituent services for the next couple days."

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