I shd STOP! Sorry - but your U/Chi talk in tandem with Colum history made me think you might enjoy this post - about my brownskin kid's (and his parents') trip from a West Harlem hood where he grew up in the shadow of Colum to Hyde Park - where he's a freshman at the U. http://www.firstofthemonth.org/tiemann-place-to-hyde-park-in-sun-and-shadow/

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Thank you for this! It's great.

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Terrific stuff...My brother Tom was in the struggle - sorry for cliche - against Columbia for almost 40 years - His story's here http://www.firstofthemonth.org/brother-tom/- though that's a little light on the dope about his organizing work, which was pretty extraordinary. Kept our neighborhood - between 125th and Colum - from being gentrified for almost 20 years. Lost now though we keep hanging on - braved Covid to hold our 33rd Annual anti-gentrification street fair last September...more here on the organizing..http://www.firstofthemonth.org/after-action-report-alliance-memories/ Sorry if T.M.I.

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Not at all too much: one of my correspondents pointed out that this long struggle is also true in other cities, and I wonder what this narrative would be like if it didn't begin in the 1990s.

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I hadn't realized Mr. B.s' book started in the 90s (if I'm taking in your point). Just had a conversation with a guy who organized CORE's campaign in the early 60s against Columbia's countenancing outright racist real estate listings for apartments in their neck of the city etc. etc. I wished my brother had been around to hear THAT back story. He also had a very complicated relation with a master-organizer who served as a mentor (though my brother had serious reservations). The fellow - longtime head of Columbia Tenants Union - was hit by an uptown landlord (in cahoots with drug dealers not Columb) - his body was chopped up and only pieces were found...- The guy was BRAVE - he was also an anti-Semite. Tended to reach for mad connections between Jewish landlords on the Upper West Side and the occupied territories etc. So, yup, the pre-history to current struggles has some amazing twists and turns...

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