Sex and self-identification as whatever of the 87 genders are presently professed to exist are entirely different things.

People are not "assigned" a sex at birth; they are determined from the time of fertilization by genetics as a male or a female biological entity, with a few exceptions in the case of "intersex" people who are deviations from standard binary biological function.

No amount of "self identification" will allow a biological male to reject his penis and testicles and then grow a uterus, vagina, and mammary glands. No amount of "self identification" will allow a biological female to reject her uterus, vagina, and mammary glands and replace these with self-grown testicles and penis.

For me, or anyone, to state this fact is NOT at all misogynist, nor is it transphobic. It is simply on par with saying, "Rock is rock. Water is water. Fire is fire. Fire is not water."

It is baffling why members of what many people now call the "woke left" have a problem with statements such as the above.

Every person deserves fair and equitable human rights, as long as he/she behaves ethically (ie: not torturing other human beings or killing indiscriminately).

But, I'll ask these as questions:

1) Is it fair to allow biological males to compete in biological female sports, beating their hard-fought records and changing in locker rooms in front of biological women with their penises hanging out, creating discomfort and even re-living of traumatic sexual violence experiences in their minds, and at the same time blame the women and accuse them of being insensitive and transphobic as they stand up for their rights and their safety...??

2) Is it fair to allow biological men who are criminal offenders to self identify as women and get imprisoned in women's only prisons, only to turn around and rape other women convicts who cannot escape the threat of these violent sexual predators who being biologically male, are much stronger on average than biological females with whom they are imprisoned...?

3) Is it fair to offer as a first option and first treatment, without extensive personal counselling, to young adolescent or pre-adolescent boys and girls, the option of "puberty blocking" medication and potential future sterilization surgeries...? Is it ethical to jump to these "puberty blocking" drugs, which are not reversible in 10 to 20% of cases, and which have other negative health impacts including life threatening cancers and cardiovascular problems...? Is it ethical to offer serious surgeries with regular significant negative complications and life-long health challenges to pre-adult humans...? And, is it ethical to do this to children (not "for" children, but "to" children) against their parents' consent while the children are themselves under the age of legal consent...??

Please, if you have the confidence to answer these questions, do not answer with dismissive rhetoric such as, "Oh, you're so transphobic!! People like you from the right wing are stupid!!" I've NEVER voted right wing in my life. The extreme left call me "stupid right wing sheeple"; the extreme right call me "stupid left wing sheeple". I stand in the centre. I stand for Truth! Do not argue your point with emotional rhetoric!!

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Dear Ned,

Your comment is an excellent example of how disinformation functions.

And thanks for reading.


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Is that the most intelligent thing you can say as a reply...??

You do not even attempt to address my questions. You simply attempt to insult and (in your mind) discredit someone who expresses a slice of reality that goes against your chosen opinion. You state no facts to refute my points listed above my questions. Nor do you state any information to address my questions.

Any rational thinking human being would look at your response and consider you have no case to present at all.

Perhaps a course in critical thinking based upon evidence-based reality, and a course in debating would serve you well.

I'll repeat, "Please do not answer with dismissive rhetoric." But this is exactly what you did!

One more try, please answer my questions.

I'm waiting for an answer and listening...

Thank you.

(PS - I tend to have an intuition that you CANNOT and WILL NOT even attempt to answer my questions, but that you'll dismiss me again with basic insult and rhetoric without even touching on the issues discussed. You may even decide to delete my comments.)

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Your "questions" are not questions--they are disinformation. You don't want answers, you want to express yourself. You have.

Arguing with untruths expressed as facts are a losers game. I am not the person who will do this with you. Try Facebook. Or Twitter.

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I trust you won't listen to these, but you should. If you don't you are unqualified to even have a conversation on the topic. Uninformed people shouldn't be considered to have a meaningful opinion.

1) https://youtu.be/08DSMeEpQyY

2) https://youtu.be/K0OKqWb3bt0

3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KUjqO-u7X6c and... https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=physical+sex+change+operation+side+effects

Once you watch these, then you will be qualified to actually discuss these topics which you believe you are expert in, but are quite obviously incapable of offering any evidence to refute some points I put in my first comment above, nor offering any evidence to support your stance by answering the questions I asked.

I repeat, the ONLY thing you are able to do is insult me and dismiss my thoughts and questions with zero basis.

Good luck! I pray for you to open your mind and watch some of the videos I've linked. Cheers!

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Again, you attempt to dismiss my valid questions by insulting me, by making judgements about me that are both untrue and you are unqualified to make, and you call valid questions "disinformation" with no evidence whatsoever. You are attempting to have an ideological battle by insulting another person, but you do not once touch on evidence or the points and questions I have made. You are truly a piece of work!! smh, just smh... I'm shocked... You are amazing!!

I wonder what force of personal ego and pride fuels your inability to look at logic and actually talk about THINGS rather than attempt to discredit another person's points and avoid another person's questions...? Have you ever looked in the mirror recently...??


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Ned, just sending me more links to more disinformation (all of which I am thoroughly familiar with) doesn't help. Maybe you should seek out some new sources and views?

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Many people have strident opinions on these topics, and are eager to share them. I have more of a meta-opinion: I'm intrigued about why people take one side or the other. Obviously some take a stance because of a personal bias or neurosis, others point out practical and scientific problems. For example, you point out that the medical technology isn't sufficiently advanced in these procedures. That is true, but I believe that many people who object on those grounds would still object on principle if the physical conversion could be 99.9% successful. And this is (probably) because of a need many of us have to believe there's a metaphysical essence in maleness or femaleness, never mind that those things objectively are no more than gene expressions.

And then of course we're all prey to bad media spins and deliberate misinformation. The media-generated notion that obvious males are put in women's prisons because they call themselves "trans women" is a good example. They clearly are not women of any sort, but prisoners will take advantage of whatever opportunities they can, in order to ameliorate their lot. It's their job. ;=) If I get promised gourmet catered meals for agreeing to play on the penitentiary soccer team, I might just take the prison governor up on it. The solution is better prisons—or better prisoners—or maybe complete segregation by age, race, sex, religion and whatever else. More serious is the controversy about "males"—often actual, intact, males—playing on female sports teams. Some of these cases are so extreme (eg, the Penn swimming one) you have to suspect they are put-up jobs to create outrage. We have to beware of these and, if we're so inclined, do some investigative reporting.

End of the day...just too many IFs here!

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