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Sorry but I beg to differ, the Clinton campaign and the MSM dismissed Trump from the beginning of the election season in 2015 until she had to concede in 2016. Only Kelly-Ann Conway could see the path to a Trump victory in the electoral college. The problem the left, progressives, or democratic- socialists have is they do not speak for the 74 plus million who voted for Trump out of that vote many hated Obama and hated Hillary more. They left removing monuments, as they did this year in the south and now in NYC where they stood for 187 years because Jefferson owned slaves? That does not help anyone of the Trump supporters change their minds, just like changing the name of Columbus Day in some locations or making a statue to a Criminal like George Floyd, yes he should not of died but he also didn’t deserve monument either. Nor does the left help their cause with the 1619 project or critical race theory which most dismiss as nonsense. Looking at the 2016 election turn out most presidential elections do not get this many voters to mail in or vote in person ever. They Democrats would need to muster this many votes again after the obvious cognitive impairment of President Biden which is getting hard to hide and his low approval rating in the mid 30’. Plus Harris whim is disliked just like Hilary was. Biden will be 82 before his first term ends and 86 at the end of his second, assuming he lived long enough. The Democrats will need a new front runner that is not Harris. So don’t assume President Trump cannot win, in 2024 he was underestimated in 2016 and he is a clear headed formidable presence and could easily win in 2024. The GOP supporters and Trump supporters of which I am one of the 74 million and waiting. Plus this time all eyes will be watching the ballots .

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