Darn it! Comment deleted. I will try again. Your last two paragraphs are a call to action that I support wholeheartedly. Tanya's objection to your presentation of the 9/11 commission is one I understand, while admitting that neither I nor anyone has been able to penetrate the enormous amount of smoke that was blown around that central tragedy. But that objection does not change your basic thesis: we know why January 6th happened and, while I would like a deeper investigation into what people and organizations funded the attack on our democracy, what we need is action. And fast. Sometimes studying things more is merely a way to procrastinate and keep meaningful change from happening. This is one such case.

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I usually like your writing Claire but have some issues with this piece. Agreed that the government commissions do more harm than good. As we see with Police Reform these efforts by the people, particularly People of Color, get used to subvert the quest for undoing racism and police brutality by giving more money and less accountability for policing. Your description of the failure of the Alcohol Abolition law was well presented. However, when you talk about 911 as a False Flag operation and claim it is only right wing MAGA nuts who believe this, you ignore some glaring realities as spelled out by 100's of architects and engineers worldwide who reject the reports conclusions. You also ignore the fact that first responders all reported explosions on the ground floor level. And significantly you don't seem to know of the demolitions expert who came out within the first week saying these buildings could not come down as they did without explosives being planted. That voice was repressed within a few days so if you did not see this in the NYTimes it is understandable why you don't cite it. There were also too many contradictions and omissions in the investigation of the Pentagon being hit with no debris from the plane being availble or any videos of the area despite numerous security cameras in the area. The list of questions and contradictions on the physical evidence and lack of it are too many and too large for any thinking person to ignore. The commission, for example refused to interview the First Responders. American science at its best: don't research and then claim there is no evidence. That is a cover up and fraud in my progressive book

You might also be interested in knowing that within the first few years after 911 the Italian Prime Minister (I believe that was his title) stated publicly that 911 was a well coordinated action by many western countries including Italy, Israel and the rest of usual culprits. He lost his seat shortly after that revelation.

The Kennedy assassination was another incident of major cover up by government interests and most likely criminal elements as well. Too many people close to the Kennedy and Johnson circles began to disappear from closer to more peripheral. Too many links between people with interests to hide. Too many lies about the bullets and their trajectory into Kennedy. This is not right wing nut job conspiracy theory. It is just good, solid questioning of what makes no sense and conclusions that defy what we actually do know.

So I agree with you about how Commissions become useless in providing real information and understanding, they are always designed to promote the narrative of the 1% in and out of government in order to control the pubic, both right and left. And it works

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I am more skeptical of these explanations than you are, but I am very glad you wrote this reply. Thanks!

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And thanx from me. I was trying to be moderate in what I said. Seems we share the same page.

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Great points. The Warren commission was one big was of money and time. I have always thought Kennedy was assassinated by the Southern racists but that is my opinion. How to manage the Trump followers is a similar issue I think. White Supremacy is a hard nut to crack. I was proud of Biden on June1st however.

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Thanks, Robin: the thing is, commissions make "recommendations," but because there is no mandate to put them into law, and they are often created in the first place because the issue they are addressing is Kryptonite, they are often doomed from the start--except as terrific primary sources for historians.

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A recommendation on Jan 6 would be a nightmare I think. It would be wonderful to have a clear analysis of the events leading up to that horrific day as a way to understand it better but that doesn’t necessarily call of a commission, especially a congressional one.

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