Totally with you on the income stream. That is also my guess for the repubs that voted to acquit. It is pretty clear there is big money to be made.

I hope they may be overestimating the pockets that will get tired of giving.

I know I have grown weary of every ask.

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No amount of interrogation and questioning will ever extract a thing of value from Trump.His function was to provide distractions to cover for the real instigators (read books by Nancy McLean and Jane Mayer to learn who, what, when,where, and how). This entire mess can be laid at the feet of a handful of oligarchs who bought and paid for the Republican Party over the past three or four decades. Hint: their goal is to reestablish apartheid but based on income; two separate nations under one government described best by J. C. Calhoun as 'a country comprised of riders and the ridden.'

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