
Thank you so much, Dorothy--and I am glad to hear it, because I think it is one of the best too. Matt is great, an dit was a wonderful opportunity to deepen our acquaintance.

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Claire, this is one of the best programs you've ever done. Matt is a fantastic guest and, even though I know a podcast requires a lot of planning and discipline, you made it sound like a smart, warm, intimate chat between two friends that we listeners had the privilege to listen to. In my lovely, small southern town, there is a lot of glossing over race either both because white people insist that we live in a post-racial society (so there's nothing to talk about, right?) or out of sheer discomfort because so few people have any idea how to talk about the subject. Matt's discussion of (and guilt about) "freezing up" in those hard-to-navigate situations is the experience of many people. I am also fascinated by the notion White America has never abandoned segregation as a goal, something I think we see now in the new sessionist talk in GOP states. I will share this great conversation.

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Thanks Claire and Matt for a fascinating and pretty unique family. I just wish Matt had let me know where in New Jersey he grew up--place counts! even within New Jersey.

And Matt makes a strong case for teaching Americans about the power of the role of bystander. And that no one need be caught blindsided by bigotry.

Thanks to you both.

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